Vue JS Development

In case the best possible framework for your project is Vue.JS, DevGlory development team is ready to work with it and deliver a perfectly working application. We have extensive experience in building custom solutions for companies of all sizes – small companies to large-scale enterprises.
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Laravel / Vue

Success for your business.

We know how to build highly performant, relevant, and cost-effective solutions. Among the reasons why our development team actively utilizes Vue.js for different-sized projects are the trendy character and progressive nature of this JavaScript framework.

Here are some of the Vue.JS-based services we offer:

  • Vue 3
  • Reusable Components
  • UI Frameworks
  • State Management
  • Nuxt.js - hybrid static & server rendering
  • Rest / GraphQL API integration
  • Netlify - Deployment

Partnership Step by Step
Unequaled Transformation

DevGlory will go the extra mile for your success - founded by young and ambitious professionals with extensive knowledge in Website Development and Digital Marketing with the simple aim of making a difference through the services we provide.
Pros of Using Vue.JS

Pros of Using Vue.JS

Vue.js is a progressive framework for JavaScript used to build web interfaces and one-page applications. Not just for web interfaces, Vue.js is also used both for desktop and mobile app development with Electron framework. The HTML extension and the JS base quickly made Vue a favored front-end tool, evidenced by adoption by such giants as Adobe, Behance, Alibaba, Gitlab, and Xiaomi.

  • Provide reactive and composable view components
  • Nuxt.js Server Side Rendering makes web apps great for search engines.
  • Maintain focus in the core library, with concerns such as routing and global state management handled by companion libraries
  • HTML-based templates make it much easier to progressively migrate existing applications to take advantage of Vue’s reactivity features.
  • You can even use pre-processors such as Pug (formerly known as Jade) to author your Vue templates.

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take control of your success.

DevGlory specialists enjoy working with Single Page Applications and have extensive knowledge of various plugins/dependencies to make each project stand out. If you are unsure about anything related to our services - fill the contact form, and we will reply to you within 24 hours.
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